Queen letter

Nous expédions régulièrement des tickets à des personnalités pour leur demander d’y griffonner un poème. En 2010, nous avons ainsi contacté la reine d’Angleterre. Michelle Bolduc, compteuse de girafes, avait écrit la lettre :

2010enveloppeReine2010queenletterHer Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA
United Kingdom



For the past four years, our association “Compter les girafes” organizes in Brest, France, the game of ‘poetickets,’ a poetic competition in which renowned and aspiring poets alike compose short poems, which are then inscribed on one side of a ticket (be it a bus ticket, parking ticket, or ticket to the theatre…) for entry into the competition. This year the poems will be judged by the Breton singers Maïon et Wenn.

Given that you award every year Your Majesty’s Gold Medal for poetry, we hope that Your Majesty may be perhaps interested in submitting a poem. After all, as Edmund Dulac has written, in Your Majesty’s “right hand [is] the divine flame of inspiration.” We include here a bus ticket in the hopes that Your Majesty would do us the great honour of composing and inscribing upon it a poem.

In the event that Your Majesty would confer upon us such an honour, please do not forget to write Your Majesty’s name and address on the back of the ticket so that we may contact Your Majesty should Your Majesty be among the poet laureates.

We have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty’s humble and obedient servants.

